Many people in this world live in extreme poverty. The treatment for poverty is prescribed in terms of charity, social welfare programs, and monetary benefits. The political machine that operates on our destiny, places people in draconian socioeconomic states where poverty can flourish. There are many kinds of poverty- mental, physical, and material. Some of us have no roof over our heads, no food, no one who can give them solace or protection. The environment of poverty is lacking in mental stimulation, replete with challenges that interrogate the physical body and spirit. This effects the learning experience and potential to advance in personal growth, leading to more poverty. Failure of our society to alleviate poverty is akin to our treatment of nonverbal autistics. Now autism is not poverty in the typical sense, however the social consequences are the same:
Individual opportunities are withheld due to a lack of resources and education Minds are rendered useless by drugs and dysfunctional paradigms of behavior control Misplaced statements of our worth- labels of functioning- destroy our spirit Our voices are silenced by those who wield power Despite these challenges many autistics persevere with the belief their lives have purpose. Defining our worth is a matter of personal conviction and, for some, a trust in a divine plan. During this time of pandemic, we see poverty and suffering collectively and individually manifest. Into each face is shown the power of our creator and the fragile nature of man. This is the nature of humanity’s impermanence. In the life of a disabled person, there exists an awareness of being transient in that our bodies are not in our control. We face the realization that our conscience is parameterized by how our neurological function dictates our perspective. All of us have unique perspective. But as an autistic person, moment by moment I navigate a social structure that underestimates my ability, my strength, and my intelligence… based on false perspectives. It is a constant struggle. Yet there I have found my worth. Starting the journey of my communication to crossing the divide of ignorance has made me a more patient and compassionate advocate. I have learned that during times of crisis we must take on this transient awareness. This too shall pass. Justice has its own design and we must uphold its principles. But we cannot control outcomes. They will grow organically from our intentions. We are all impoverished of things not in our control or possession. So, we must be grateful and generous. We must make time to listen to each other, discover new perspectives, and embrace our differences. Only then will we find the truth beyond poverty.
Today, i see an example of the xtreme physical world is the sensory space time flux in autism. today mom said i had to put in some effort... so today i must make time and space stand still so i can have some peace. . i decided to go online and watch the space time PBS videos and youtube became my sole pursuit. it was grounding and gave direction and orientation. in nonspeaking autism, instead of friends we imagine and create the worlds in our minds. these worlds are beyond spacetime. they are tunnels into a quantum realm. in this realm dialogues exist between light, sound, and the material. many internal dialogues keep repeating themselves as the attractor states of sensory stimuli combine to form dynamic and evolving living concepts. dormant patterns begin to reawaken as i begin to script. the particular words and visuals are brought to life and i succumb to their call. i can lose myself in pattern recognition. every sensory event is memorized to define it later.
why does this happen? every spring, atmospheric changes cause me to unsettle. the fluctuating temperature and pressures cause me to work overtime to gain body equilibrium. in despair i turn to my quantum realm. its a safe harbor in the storm. my neurodiverse friends, please take care of your internal somatosensory clock and teach others to be patient of the space time flux in autism this time of year. have the heart to understand sensory dysfunction and its effect on our mind and body. today i am thinking in temporal terms because its important to sequence past present and future. how do we do this having autism?
it has motor and sensory memory at its core . my experience shows me muscles are coordinated with phases of stimulus transmission. practical applications of this memory involve being able to recognise our muscles in real time, changing our responses when occupation or circumstances change, and being able to sequence thought and action. having somatosensory understanding is crucial to helping those with significant autism sensory motor challenges. the impact of the behavioral stereotypes that pervade the media are inaccurate and harmful. i am not a savant and i am also not intellectual disabled. having autism means being sensory motor challenged. make time to allow yourself to stim as it manage the inputs of sensory data, helps to order your motor memory, and directs the action potentials of energy which arise from overstimulation of the senses. dont fear the onlooker because temporal management is crucial. have a safe space to stim, and use modern technology like ipads, alexa,online apps to help manage your life sequence. my sensory vector framework of human perception describes a "life rope" so to speak to reality. in determination of both mental and physical manipulation of sensory information, i am examining tensor calculus and revolution analysis of spheres. derivatives in calculus certainly show rates of change and linear algebra has matrix derivations which can help quantify the various sensory components. in my dealings with autism i have envisioned a manifestation of reimann sphere in my thoughts on perception. in reimann sphere i find the polar coordinate system which makes me think of how revolution of this sphere can move sensory vectors and mitigate their filtration. in this sphere there is also a line of projection which can be interpreted as generation of sensory vector potential. just as global matrix of markov chains in nature mark evolution so can ontological awareness evolve through this sensory vector framework.
i feel my geophysical perception is in a complex with a framework in change with sensory frequencies. discussion of how i am investigating the sensory vector structure is crucial to have as the open channel of global sensory input is compartmentalized and differentiated in information processing in the mind. autism sensory perception is defined in terms of hyper or hypo focus caused by intense neural maladaptive sensory transmission. in my perception quantum information processing determined by my sensory processing. now i have a river of information which my processing has outward analysis consumed in its depths. society must begin to help people who are neurodiverse and understand ontological awareness in autism. independence is great test of the mind and body. looking at my future practice, opportunities in my daily life seem distant horizons. my hands reach out now to grasp your guidance. the muscles teach me patience as i generate intention. knowledge has potential. in my day, having planted intention, i work on growing action. in the morning everyone has coffee. i have sounds. normally i like to turn on multimedia sources of sound- my tv, ipad, and computer. the regular, predictable dialogues help me attune my hearing. i become awake and recognize my auditory channel. mom yells at me to turn off the cacaphony. i decrease the volume however i make note of my will to hear sounds.i hear the buzzing sound of electricity, the internet humming, and the air conditioning whooshing as its turned on. data generates sound too, like my frequencies of rice eating in my mouth, breathing in and out thru my nose, and the words that beg to hide in my head. in surrounding environment is the sound of real people- their daily prep, recessed verbal exclamations, and mechanical noises of the microwave operating. its breakfast. time to wake up to a new day in autism.
making decision to continue my education is human right. despite the obstacles i study online every day. having autism is tough but i am persistence people.
how have you gotten home in a snow storm ? how have you made it to the finish line ? step by step facing your fears and moving forward. i am not afraid of isolation because i already have lived it. in autism one is alone with ones thoughts and fears. i am severely impacted by my intense anxiety and i lose myself in movies and video games. now the world is living my life. now people are trapped in self imposed quarantine. covid. our days are filled with long hours and we begin a futile search for purpose. during my examinations of the coronavirus pandemic, i saw a world of pretense fall away, revealing the language of the destruction to come by the scientists and core truth of our human nature and existence. nothing is more powerful than mother nature. i am humbled and making my personal lament to god. today i see true soldiers in the form of doctors and nurses. their bravery is possible path to victory. i am silent however my spirit has trumpeted and triumphed over despair. into the fray we must all go but justice will prevail so do not give up hope dont forget your neighborhood family friends . blessings sameer cistern of potential has many faces and abilites. having autism has nodes of hypersymmetries. moving order of my experience
is like a continuous translation my intense momenta are conserved in making patterns and calculations probability. dogmatic rules communicate my intentions to mankind nowhere opens the information into expression. I am a prisoner in my own mind. sometimes I master my impulse and arrange myself into action. mom designs careful emergency and pushes me to conversation. I am showing my ascertations. having autism is feeling an infinite well of possibilities. today I made interesting connection between the generation of sensory states and making statistical analysis. the science of analysis involves sample states and configuration of those states. each set of sample ascribed a probability making a continuous spectrum of states. ive given much thought to the configuration of my sensory states. in suskind's lecture of quantum statistics he describes symmetry in states and conservation of information. the time or interval of existence between states is arbitrary. memory of somatosensory cortex determines discrete configuration of Riemann manifold. how can a topological map be made of sensory states.
domestic global discourse has given us Newtonian science, cancer therapy, and webinars. in our human evolution, we have developed complex ways of thinking about the world around us. people place social order in symbolic management operations modern institutions. markets reflect outlines of our ethos and iniquity. systems created by social stratification cause inequities and economic divide in civil society. increasing political
chaos has cause many divergent social states of human kind. however policies can also generate mans salvation. climate change recognition demonstrates how policies can be translated from public opinion. my hope is that we evolve in sophistication and timely manner. social opportunity and equality must be our foundation. I examine dinosaurs. in bone structure we formulate the function
and characteristics of animals, measurement of social capacity and interactive intellect. time and evolution cause remarkable creation of these faculties. in my mental diagram of human evolution I find our structure is similar to dinosaurs in that cartilaginous tailbone exists, however, its shrunken in humans. this is interesting. is there a correlation? the answer maybe yes. opening up further study. |
Authorhi my name is sameer Archives
July 2021
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