home... nights reality is breath always competes with my desire. how do my thoughts become intertwined with imagination? beyond myself are answers to global issues. dreams have the power to eradicate many troubles. in my dreams autism manifests brilliance and clarity. imagination leads one pensive and nervous into the fathoms of an endless sea. ive looked into the abyss and discovered sensory secrets postulates of physics cosmos . both my mind and body are understood to be free from chains of society. dreams are my gateway to freedom.
how do autistic people have breakdowns. driving myself scared to death never bothering to notice my capricious behavior has sacrificed my ecrued best interest. behind my reality lies another truth . man denies his true nature assuming he has power over heaven and earth . but we are mere machines time weakens. continually I struggle with my sensory algorithms. can the matter be macro governance of neurological functioning. determine all behavior has developed from my thought matrix and neural bonds.
mankind correlates language to words however, ideas, emotions, reflect inner language. going from vocalizations to speech language involves more structural control of reality. that is concentration to formulate answer in line with my cognition. my stimulations say another language. translation of stims competes with sensory language while my thoughts vye for attention. greatest challenge is to cross hemispheres brain given my split brain isolates behaviors and intelligence.
common man robot is alien
nature biome deviates does night claim god heaven corruption birth of existence game rules break code of design animal instinct ornate acceptance that says a lot about how I think. my mind itself races on to make connections about random things. data emersion is so intense I feel overwhelmed. my sensory makeup totally tears house members apart. I cant stop screaming and crying and tv watching. each day enters in my existence like a dragon, breaking and setting fire to my intentions. Currently science has made a transitory theory on how matter and energy are interrelated. This is called String Theory. According to this theory,beyond the barriers of time and space lye other dimensions. Centuries ago shamans postulated many universes to exist. Now we understand eleven total, including time, exist according to String Theory or M-theory. These dimensions include many universes that coexist, camouflaged by ether- like strings of matter and energy. Carrying all existence, these strings vibrate becoming a symphony of portentous, multitudinous realities (Nova-The Elegant Universe). Matter and energy are created by different frequencies or amplitudes of these strings or particles. String theory has at its core, a calculation of gravity at the quantum level, giving forces a framework to exist "Now all forces -electromagnetic, weak, strong, and gravitational- can exist in quantum and relativistic universes" (Brian Green: Making Sense of String theory.) So this theory attempts to reconcile Einstein's theories with modern quantum mechanics. However, the theory hardly passes the test of validity. There are many questions left unanswered: String theory cannot be tested or observed on a grand scale or at high energy states, so can it be called a theory if it cannot be tested ? How are strings held together? Can it surmise how existence evolved? How many more dimensions may enter each dimension? Do black holes enter into the theory? Can string theory then surmise how blastomas of neutron stars excite into white holes? Each tangential particle has an initial energy...so demonstration of its conservation into matter is done how? What exists beyond space and time? How does our universe maintain its physical form? These are challenges. I propose a new way of looking at universe. All creation is based on fractal geometry. Man has always looked for answers, but always ignored beauty and simplicity. Replication is a constant of creation and both electromagnetic, weak, strong and gravitational forces mirror this reality. So geometry of dimensions determines the constants of universal regulation. Levels of, degrees of, complexity exist, which determine frequencies of universal constants. Space has congruencies. Like the mathematical conundrum- the Koch snowlake- the universe has a rough infinite perimeter which is quantum, and a smooth finite area. More complex dimensions may exist in accordance to fractal geometry. Each force is magnified as the complexity and evolution increases. The design of cosmos may intertwine solid matter with energy. Elements attracted particles and compacted into material for construction of matter. Cosmos did not start or end with a bang...time can be thought of as a linear encapsulating construct of the human mind. The cosmos can be thought of as a continuum- it subsists without defined boundaries. All existence is constantly evolving, the expansion opposed by fine limits of material exegenesis and determination. This has consequences, m-theory cant be likened to my theory, as my theory looks at the universe as existing in various degrees of complexity of being. Yes, String Theory can explain relationships, but has no relative answer to where universe is going or where its been. In conclusion, String Theory is a leading scientific theory on the reality of existence. It particularly examines defined relationships between matter and energy in both quantum and relativistic terms. However, complex flaws exist in its principles. each day i am learning about life. before grandma died i believed common faith
could give me solace. now allah has given me gift of understanding that mans purpose is to worship and love his creator. beyond all dimensions you know to exist is a being, a spiritual mind of infinite knowledge and portentious action. both worlds intercept have connections which we can grasp through a prayer or query to allah. soul can travel thru space and time. its the basic knowledge given only to those who are open spiritually. it represents afinal appreciation of our mortality and magnification of life's fragility. belief has already changed my perspective. accepting creation places love in heart. mark on gods creation is chromosomal dna. casting articulate language to akquire alleles, demonstrates infinate knowledge and compassion. remarkable structures produce linguistic governance supporting all life. dna carries ancient cods of existence- codes which arrange behavior, organize human development, and wire all relations inside our earths dominion.
today i learned about deoxyribonucleic acid. khan academy can teach autistics. no subject is too hard. parent have to expose kids to get confident. apply yourselves. mothr natures chaos landed. tornadoes. eyes were the only witness to states annihilation. lately, winter has been too mild. xtreme weather seems commonplace. march has come in like a lion. enron question forgotten. gas prices are going up as republican convention nears. miraculously, gold sold ,stock market rose to limit republican offense . can climate stabilize? can idealoges agree? does economy matter?
i hope so. yesterdays saturn crossed the sun at elliptical solstice. rotation often declares each planets attributes bequeathed by gravity. heavens revolutions machine goes like clockwork in a parade of celestial pageantry. arondissment! candidly god translates the languages of motion spoken by cosmos. circumfrence capitulates. ellipses ascribe gravitational forces to ghosts of ball dragons. decidedly, books of man cannot fathom their depths.
quasars race in time. golden asterisks mark the univcrse. balls of fire rest patiently in cosmos. universe is about energy . all heavens call out language of regeneration.
mass weight atomic planes all are constantly inimitably masking our sovereign creation. constellation are maps silently guiding us to our eternal home . cast aside times limitations, are dimensions of literal mirror realities. saturation of each reality comes as energy flows as entropy increases. behind all pauses entertaining ovr astounding existence is continous amorphous invention of reality . |
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